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Paint A Pair Events

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A one-of-a-kind experience for two

Our Paint A Pair events are hosted in warm and cosy locations. They’re led by one of our expert resident artists who will guide you both to paint two halves of a painting which, when combined, make one stunning piece of art!

You don’t have to worry about your skill level, or what supplies to bring. With Prime Pass, you’re the VIP and we supply everything you need – from paints to music, with the bar always available to quench your thirst!

View our Paint A Pair events and book your next date out with us.

Paint a Pair: Mothers Love

The Fox and Newt Pub 9 Burley St, Leeds, United Kingdom

There are some things that just go better together - gin and tonic, fish and chips, wine and cheese, peanut butter and jam (not sure we agree with this one but we hear it's good). When it comes to Paint a Pair, grab yourself a friend, a date, or your mum if you like - ... Read more

Sold Out £65.00

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the concept of a Paint a Pair event?

Do I need to bring any supplies to the event?

Who guides the Paint a Pair events?

How can I book a Paint a Pair event?